Anti-Corruption Pledge
The 2013 EU anti-corruption report demonstrated corruption is a persistent problem across the 28 member states of the European Union and that urgent action is needed.
Throughout the mandate of the next European Parliament (2014-2019) I am committed to fighting corruption and promoting transparency, accountability and integrity in EU institutions, policies and legislation.
Specifically, I commit myself to working in consultation with civil society and others to achieve the following aims:
- The governance and law-making of EU institutions will become a global model of transparency, accountability and integrity, establishing the highest standards. I/we commit to upholding both the letter and spirit of the Code of Conduct for MEPs and will publish a ‘legislative footprint’ that will be attached to any report that I am responsible for drafting in my in office.
- The EU will promote greater integrity and transparency in public spending. It will ensure that all information on EU funds is published in a manner that is easily accessible and usable by citizens, for example by conforming to open data principles. EU public procurement rules will take account of open contracting principles and have effective methods to deal with conflicts of interest. This applies to spending by EU and national bodies.
- The EU will promote initiatives and legislation that will provide effective protection to whistleblowers in the public, private and non-profit sectors.
List of signatures
- 238 Elisa Vigolo, Italy (PDF)
- 236 Dario Tamburrano, Italy (PDF)
- 234 Elly Schlein, Italy (PDF)
- 232 Front National, France (PDF)
- 230 Valérie Dagrain, France (PDF)
- 228 Catherine Trautmann, France (PDF)
- 226 Claudy Vouhe, France (PDF)
- 224 Valerie Mira, France (PDF)
- 222 Petra Rezar, Slovenia (PDF)
- 220 Jasminka Dedić, Slovenia (PDF)
- 218 Branimir Štrukelj, Slovenia (PDF)
- 216 Inga Bite, Latvia (PDF)
- 214 Eric Andrieu, France (PDF)
- 212 Véronique Vermorel, France (PDF)
- 210 Michèle Rivasi, France (PDF)
- 208 Yannick Jadot, France (PDF)
- 206 Clarisse Heusquin, France (PDF)
- 204 Eva Joly, France (PDF)
- 202 José Gaillou, France (PDF)
- 200 José Bové, France (PDF)
- 198 Aandacht en Eenvoud, Netherlands (PDF)
- 196 GroenLinks, Netherlands (PDF)
- 237 Manuel Vescovi, Italy (PDF)
- 235 Antonio Cancian, Italy (PDF)
- 233 Antonino Pipitone, Italy (PDF)
- 231 Marie-France Gallet, France (PDF)
- 229 Paul BERETTONI, Frane (PDF)
- 227 Nicole Pradalier, France (PDF)
- 225 Corinne Morel- Darleux, France (PDF)
- 223 Kai Künnis-Beres, Estonia (PDF)
- 221 Lara Jankovič, Slovenia (PDF)
- 219 Janez Požar, Slovenia (PDF)
- 217 Nikita Nikiforovs, Latvia (PDF)
- 215 Mireille Murawski, France (PDF)
- 213 Alain Rauna, France (PDF)
- 211 Marielle de Sarnez, France (PDF)
- 209 Nicole Kiil-Nielsen, France (PDF)
- 207 Benoit Faucheux, France (PDF)
- 205 Mohamed Mechmache, France (PDF)
- 203 Pascal Durand, France (PDF)
- 201 François Veillerette, France (PDF)
- 199 Antoine Waechter, France (PDF)
- 197 Anti EU(ro) Partij, Netherlands (PDF)
- 195, Netherlands (PDF)